Wymondham High School
Folly Road
Folly Road
14th December 2010
Dear Sir/Madem
The campaign part of the Diploma has done well in some parts but not as well in others. We haven't managed to raise many donations due to the fact that around this time of year a lot of people are getting charity bags through the door and its a convienient time to get rid of things before Christmas and people have only so much to give. But you could consider this idea if you havent already because it seems to work well. But on the other hand we have raised a big amount of awareness of your charity with our posters,leaflets and performances. Another good thing is have also enjoyed working on this topic and have learnt alot about your charity. Overall i think the campaign was successfull because we may not have gotten many donations but we all had a good time,learnt alot and raised awareness for your charity.
Yours faithfully