Tuesday 11 January 2011

Children In Need

Children in needs aim is to make a positive change to the lives of disadvantaged children and young people right here in the UK. Their vision is a society where each and every child and young person is supported to realise their potential.
In 2009, The BBC Children in Need Appeal raised over £39 million which will be used to support projects across the UK and for every penny you gave the charity, a penny will go towards projects helping disadvantaged children in the UK. We are able to make this promise because the charity uses its investment income and Gift Aid to cover all running costs. Every year, thanks to public donations and the amazing efforts of fundraisers, schools, businesses and our corporate partners, we are able to provide support to thousands of youngsters aged 18 and under. Its target audience is therfore everyone,mainly adults but they like to get children involved in fundraising so the website is colourful and the idea of Pudsy Bear is good because everyone now connects the two and whenever you see the bear you connect it with the charity and vice versa.

Campaign Brief.

Campaign Brief

During our campaign project we were set a task to design our own campaign to help a local charity, our groups being quidenham hospice. Before we got in contact with them we had to research them,find out what they did. We had to research a couple of other charities aswell such as NSPCC.  We then had to get in contact with our charities explain to them that we were creating a campaign that would bring in better donations to them because we found out that charities can only put out 20% of what is donated to them which is not alot. We knew this becasue we watched a video, mary queen of shops, showing how some charity shops get donated things such as dirty nappies and broken toys.
             For our campaign we had to design a poster and a leaflet (and were wncoraged to make a video journal) where we included unique things about our charity, such as, our chairty was the only one that took electrical goods. We also had to create another poster to put up around school to ask people for donations,so when we made a poster we had to take into account our target audience which would've been teenagers ranging from 11-18, and when and where to bring them in, this was unfortunatly unsuccessful but we have written a letter to them explaining why we think this e.g it was to near christmas and there were loads of campaigns and charites asking for donations.
             While we were doing this we also had to create a performance and workshop for a local school to encourage them to 'share' or donate good quality old toys, we did this by playing games,such as hide the toys,where they had to find the hidden toys and if they found more than one, they had to give one away to their friends. I thought this would be a good way of getting a point across, especially to young children because playing games grabs there attention and they enjoy it and would hopefully learn something from it. In the end it was a success,the children enjoyed themselves and when we asked them if they had learnt something, the majority put their hands up.
            We used to have more regular contact with our charity because we could go and see them before,but we haven't been into town for a while so we were encouraged to write letters which we wrote, but never got round to sending so we will have to resume contact with them soon and update them on whats happened before we move onto the next project.

Tuesday 14 December 2010

Campaign - LO4

Wymondham High School
Folly Road

14th December 2010

Dear Sir/Madem

The campaign part of the Diploma has done well in some parts but not as well in others. We haven't managed to raise many donations due to the fact that around this time of year a lot of people are getting charity bags through the door and its a convienient time to get rid of things before Christmas and people have only so much to give. But you could consider this idea if you havent already because it seems to work well. But on the other hand we have raised a big amount of awareness of your charity with our posters,leaflets and performances. Another good thing is have also enjoyed working on this topic and have learnt alot about your charity. Overall i think the campaign was successfull because we may not have gotten many donations but we all had a good time,learnt alot and raised awareness for your charity.

                     Yours faithfully

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Letter to our charity

Wymondham High School
Folly Road

7th December 2010

Dear Quidenham Hospice

                                        Im writing to you to update you on how we are doing with our campaign module. We've made posters and leaflets which have been put up and given out around school and we've also asked the school to get involved and to bring in any spare donations they have. We incorperated a part on the fact that you take electricals, which not many charity shops do, and we've tried to put on our poster that you do gift aid. We have put a date on our poster for any donations poeple have to be brought in on that day and we hope to bring you a big bagful of good quality donations. To raise awareness we have also made a t.v advert which might be shown in assemblies and form time to show the rest of the school what we are doing.
I'd just like to thank you for helping us with our project and we hop you've enjoyed working with us as much.

                  Yours faithfully, Kaidee.

Artefact - Todays Lesson - 7/12/10

In todays artefact lesson i carried on with my shoe. I cut the masking tape off of my shoe usuing a penknife which took forever and used that as a template to make the paper part of my shoe,which next week i will glue together and put a thin material round.  I need to remember to bring in some needles to stick onto my shoe before it's dipped in wax. Ive got a lot to do next week so i really need to concentrate.

Wednesday 24 November 2010

23/11/10 - Artefact Lesson

In todays lesson we looked at a slideshow of artists which was aimed to inspire us and make us think about our shoe design. I wasnt going to change my shoe until i saw this slideshow and have now changed my shoe design, which instead of a checked shoe with a cotten reel as a heel, i have decided to stick some needles to a thin material and dip in wax to create a blurred vintage effect. We finished any plans we needed to finish and then went on to start creating our shoes. I had to make a shoe pattern for my 'Fashion Shoe' and i done this by getting a shoe template and covering it in masking tape,and cutting out the sections which would then fit together to form the shoe much like the net of a cube. Next lesson im continuing this and making the base of my shoe out of a thin material. I learnt about some interesting artists in this lesson and how u can make a shoe out of anything to look like anything, if u put your mind to it.

Health and Safety when making my shoe

When making my shoe i will be using materials such as sharp needles and wire which can be dangerous,to prevent injury make sure i keep my needles in the packet until i need them and if im using wire be careful to cut it with wire cutters and make sure its near no one elses face. I also need to be carfull when using the penknifes and need to keep away from everyone else and make sure im not jogged.