Week 1,Step 1:
I will write down my inital ideas and what materials etc i think il be using on my shoe and whether it will be high heel, flat or a mens shoe. I will also need to get my materials.
Week 2,Step 2:
Will finish any planning that needs to be done and will have materials needed to create my shoe,i will start to modrock a shoe template.
Week 3,Step 3:
Carry on any mod-rocking that needs to be done,wait for that to dry and if i have time add on any material that can be added.
Week 4,Step 4:
Start adding materials to my shoe and add on the heel which will be a cotten reel instead of an actual heel because the shop im designing a shoe for is the needlework shop.
Week 5,Step 5:
Finish adding materials and any little parts that need to be added&generally finish the shoe off.
Week 6,Step 6:
Write the health and safety regulations out and whether we had to use anything that could have been dangerous&if needed (and if i have enough time) finish any parts of my shoe that haven been finished.
Week 7,Step 7:
Make sure my shoe is dry and finished and take it to the needlework shop in town.
The above plan im now changing because after being showed a powerpoint on artists i have decided to change the design of my shoe to the following;
im going to make it out of a thin material which can be dipped in wax,but before i dip it into the wax im sticking needles to the thin material so u can just see them through the wax which i think links in well with the needlework shop as it does go with the name,but i might also add more materials other than needles and if i do il update this blog post further down.
By updating my plan i am using learning objective 3.4 (be able to moniter my own creativity)
Week 1; Write my plan and initial ideas down
Week 2; Make sure my plan is finished and work out what materials i will need to get for making my shoe.
Week 3; Start to make my shoe pattern..using a shoe template
Week 4; Finish doing the pattern of my shoe and cover it in a thin material
Week 5; Add the needles and any other things to the thin material to be dipped in wax next week.
Week 6; Dip my shoe in wax and leave to dry
Week 7; Make sure my shoe is done and take to the needlework in town.Update my plan if needed.
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