Tuesday, 23 November 2010

How our Campaigns going

Last week when donations were meant to be bought in none of the Campaigns got any donations and we think this is because we didnt advertise out Campaigns enough or for long enough and its considered 'uncool' for children our age to donate.And I think one of the reasons is that a lot of people couldnt be bothered to walk all the way to the Drama Studio at their lunch or breaktime and i think it would've helped if we had a different room for them to bring their donations to. So, now were going to change our target audience to the teachers,weve now started making posters to be read out in staff breafing so that all teachers know including the part time teachers which can hand their donations in to Mr.Cole or Mrs.Haythorpe if they arnt here on a tuesday. We hope the teachers will do a better job at donating than the students!

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